What is Duotrigordl? Wordle style game

If you played Wordle, Quordle or in any of the many verbal puzzles, which recently stormed the world, you may have felt that these games do not represent sufficient complexity for you. In this case, be sure to try Duotrigord, where you will need to solve 32 puzzles immediately!

What is Dudrigordl?

Like Dordle, Quordle and many other verbal puzzles, inspired by Wordle, Duotrigordle was created at the beginning of 2022 due to the worldwide popularity games for guessing words. The creator of Duotrigordle, Brian Chen, calls Wordle, Dordle, Quordle, Octordle and other inspiration sources to create an extremely frightening puzzle game with words in which players are invited to solve 32 different puzzles with words in one game.

How to play Dudrigord

Just as Wordle and others in a similar style, Duotrigordle offers players to enter five letters to create a word to guess. Depending on how close the player is to the correct word, it will be given green tiles (the correct letter in the right place) or yellow tiles (the correct letter in the wrong place). Players must watch all 32 puzzles as they pass, but can guess only one word at a time for all puzzles. The game gives players 40 chances to solve all puzzles.

How To Play Wordle: The New Game That’s Taking The Internet By Storm Do you want to see more games inspired by Wordle? If so, check out the section What is survival? The "Inverse Word" game in professional guidelines for the game.


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