Netflix surprises subscribers with a long-awaited function

Netflix has surprised subscribers with a long-awaited function. The transmission services are an increasingly competitive space, and Netflix has matched this by evolving its product more and more or less had little or no evolution for many years. The last evolution finally includes providing subscribers more ways to rate the products they like, which, of course, not only provides users more agency in the review process, but should also improve healing.

Previously, Netflix users had two options when qualifying something: a thumb up or a thumb down. There is still a single way to disapprove something, but now there are two options to qualify something favorably: a thumb up and two thumbs up. Of course, the latter is the new option and is designed to be used when users really enjoy something. According to Netflix, an option to express that you really like something has been one of the most requested functions for many years. And as mentioned, this new option will also improve heal, as it will serve as another more specific filter.

My Daughter Surprises Her Best Friend *emotional* "Members have never had so many excellent entertainment options like now," said Netflix Christine Doig-Cardet, on the news, through the edge. "Be able to find the programs and films that you are going to love is very important. We want to continue doing Netflix the place where it is easier to choose something to see ».

Doig-Cardet continued, noting that Netflix wants to eliminate the "Fatigue of Election", which is that feeling of not knowing what to choose to look when you look at the vast Library of Netflix. To this end, it seems that there will be more healing options and personalization in the future.

"We hope to finish with the fatigue of choice with the new features we are adding this year," said Doig-Cardet. "It's a large part where we want to invest: provide those mechanisms to return more control to the user to help adapt their experience to the personal taste of it."

As always, feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section or, alternatively, contact me on Twitter. @Tyler_fischer_ and let me out there. What do you think of this incorporation to Netflix? Is it useful or not enough?


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