P2E Domestic Allowance and Confundability Regulation… 'Unrealistic' game method 'Nanta' [IT magnifier]

[game services Moon Young -soo reporter] "The activation of game services using the blockchain platform clearly reveals that P2E regulations are errors. It's unrealistic. "

There is a voice saying that the game industry law, which regulates the entire virtual asset transaction in order to allow the P2E game to lead the platform economy, including Meta Bus and the Virtual World's platform economy, has been revised.

Chung Hae -sang, a professor of law at Dankook University, said at the 16th regular seminar on the Korean Game Law Book Society (Chairman Lee Jung -hoon) held at the Mock Court of Chung -Ang University on the 28th, "The current legal book is an environment in which platform economy is impossible." The improvement of the legal system related to the service is urgently needed in the overall innovation of the blockchain industry, such as ICO's allowance, but most of all, it is urgent to revise the game industry law. ” The intention is to allow P2E games in Korea through the revision of the game law.

The P2E game refers to a game that can obtain virtual assets such as cryptocurrency through gameplay. Although it has recently emerged as a worldwide topic, Korea is one of the few countries that cannot service P2E games with China. This is because the current game method is forbidden to exchange the execution results from the use of games.

Professor Chung said, "P2E game services are completely different from the existing games, and the virtuality of the game and the economics of reality are not combined, but the onboard content is not limited to game content." "It is necessary to understand it as a new type of online industry that is a more complex type of online industry rather than approaching the game industry law."

He said that since the P2E game is a service that presupposes users' free profit activities, cash transactions of various virtual assets are inevitable. Professor Chung said, "The removal of the restrictions on transactions as prescribed by Presidential Decree should be deleted." It means that the deletion of this regulation is that the user's P2E belongs to the user's freedom, and that the P2E game business is a normal business behavior. "I emphasized.

Lee Seung -min, professor of Sungkyunkwan University, also agreed to remove the regulation of the game industry law. Professor Lee said, "It is a matter of regulating the prohibition of money made after the 2006 sea story, and the regulation of PCs and mobile games is a problem. And the Act on Use, etc.) This is because the game is not available, and if the game law changes, the special law will change. ”


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