Where to install communication channel with the device next to Daily Rubble in Fortnite

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 recently received an update, and Quests Resistance: Week 5 Quests were added to it. One of these quests requires the players to establish communication with the device on the Daily Rubble orientation. This is one of the new attractions in the game, located east of Poi Daily Bugle.

To set an upward connection with the device, just go to any of the communication ports configured around Ruins and Landing of the looper Landmark. Follow the map map with red markers below to get to any of the devices to quickly execute this quest. As soon as you find a communication port, just log in to establish a connection to the device.

Establish Device Uplink near Sanctuary & Place Anti-Tank Rounds - Fortnite Resistance Week 4 Quest

After installing Device Uplink, players will have to visit the new attraction of Daily Rubble. Just swim to the broken airship IO to open this area. Climb the IO airship and take the Data Drive to quickly complete the next quest stage.

Completion of this stage of quests "Resistance: Week 5" will open the following stages and ultimately lead to communication with the paradigm. The battle between IO and the seven continues, and the players will have to look forward to seasonal quests that will appear in a few days.

Want to know where all NPC in the second season? Familiarize yourself with all NPC locations for Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 Pro.


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