Why the former Nintendo

Reggie Fils-Aimé, former COO from Nintendo of America , recently spoke about the topic Blockchain as part of the 2022 SXSW event. Here, Fils Aimé, which many should know, among other things through the "My Body Is Ready" memes, was called "Believer" in terms of blockchain technology. In view of the fact that players often associate absolutely nothing positive with crypto, blockchain or NFTS, this commitment looks quite bizarre. After all, companies like Ubisoft have just felt how great the aversion to this topic is on the part of their own customers. So what fascinates Reggie Fils-Aimé about blockchain?

why not sell the animal crossing island?

Fils Aimé basically feels blockchain as a more interesting technology. If you are not familiar with terms such as blockchain, crypto, mining or NFTS, we can recommend our associated article. Reggie also expressed itself as a fan of "play-to-down" concepts.

In his view, it is desirable to be able to monetize elements from games after a lot of invested time. As a concrete example, Reggie cited his island, which he built in the current Animal Crossing. According to him, it would be a fantastic way to be able to resell this island for money.

Nintendo on NFTs, Metaverse, & Acquisitions + AC:NH Breaks Amazing Record, & More! | Nintendo Report And for just such a purpose, blockchain technology would be very helpful. In the same breath, Fils-Aimé emphasized that the added value for the player must be in the foreground. "IM End effect it has to be good for the player. But I see a chance."

about the meaning and nonsense of the statements

Basically, you have to ask yourself whether Mr. Fils-Aimé is aware that the sale of digital objects in video games has not only been possible since blockchain technology and discussions about NFTS and crypto. Accordingly, the enthusiasm for reggies is likely to be current statements. Apart from that, Nintendo of America is currently faced with numerous allegations in dealing with employees.

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