Why the new Monkey Island announcement has revolutionized us all the boomers

This week has been officially announced the return of Monkey Island and maybe, if you do not have a few years in your back, you have not understood what it comes for so much stir. If you do not know what that game is going and why all the boomers have become completely crazy with your ad, we will try to explain what are the good things that that saga of graphic adventures did, and why we drew it as candidate for Goty having only seen just a few seconds of a brief presentation teaser.

Saga Monkey Island has a first delivery dating from 1990, a time when graphics were already important. In fact, the game highlighted by using the technology scumm , something that very few games did before. It was a type of graphic engine that was based on a Script language of its own, and that it was destined to get the greatest performance to the graphic adventures that, at that time, were one of the most media genres of the time.

Although it was a technical advance in its day, Monkey Island has become a historical saga not because of its shocking visual section, but for everything that was around the product. As I say, The graphic adventures were the favorite genre of a great majority of players, who enjoyed sitting in front of the computer or console to deduce enigmas and puzzles that, usually had absurd solutions in the vast majority of cases.

This helps the creation of a universe of the crazy, outlined mainly by Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman , who will be present at Return of Monkey Island. There was also Tim Schafer (Psychonauts) There are several games in the saga, but the original team is only in the first two: The Secret of Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge . They are the best valued by the community and, for many fans, the saga ended right there. But now, everything is reborn, more than 30 years later. The original equipment and the support of the Editora Return Digital have created an unusual and unexpected HYPE.

No one thought that this day would come; In fact, his creators denounced on several occasions, but the reality is that they have been working on a project for two years that, if everything goes well, this same year will arrive.

Lucasfilm Games made Monkey Island stand out above all else thanks to his delirious world and the charism of his protagonist: Guybrush Threepwood . On his way for being the best pirate in the world, he has made us live all kinds of adventures, along with other charismatic characters and how many grog jugs. Among the most unforgettable aspects every time Monkey Island is remembered with love are insult battles , which already in your day can leave without words to any rooster. The jocular tone he uses in that original and unique system, makes all remember many of those disqualifying with enormous love. And we do not hesitate that they will be present again in the new delivery.

What is undoubtedly the common denominator of Everything that has enlarged the Universe Monkey Island is precisely his humor . From the beginning to the end, even in the most surreal situations, the game manages to get a smile. He puts us fully in his story, but at the end it is the least, and we will stay for the feeling of comfort he transmits at all times. Because we will be constantly waiting by finding new surprises. Because... _Make behind you, a three-headed monkey! _

Monkey Island is a child from another time, where everything was resolved based on commitment, intuition and insistence, and YouTube was not the answer to find the solution to his puzzles . That is why he was able to mark so many children, because we spent whole days in him, until we learned him from memory. Maybe because there was nothing else, but it is also what the magic of the moment has.

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Now, with the return of him, never better, he gives an opportunity to those who do not know him or only know him from hearing. They are games that you can find cheap at any digital store, and I'm sure Return to Monkey Island will have enough arguments to catch a new generation.


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