How to perform a “blacksmithing” quest in Destiny 2 - Season of the Haunted Iron Banner

The first iron banner of the “Ghosts” season appeared in Destiny 2. Along with the removal of levels of strength, the law enforcement officers will have to fulfill a new quest. Lord Saladin... uh, Valus Fordj did not forget how to temper iron in the guards since he took a new position in the military council of Kabal.

Stages of the quest Iron forging

  1. Complete the match in Iron Banner

Reckoning 2. Perform a daily task 3. Earn on the iron banner of the iron banner (300) 4. Get the Engram of the Iron Banner from Lord Saladin. 5. Complete the matches “Iron Banner”, wearing at least one element of the armor “Iron Banner”. Each additional part gives additional progress. 6. Talk to Lord Saladin in the tower.

In general, not a bad quest. This is simply eliminated by all problems that were usually associated with obtaining a certain number of murders from various weapons in previous quests. This is a golden of quests. Not too little to finish for several hours, and not so much that it cannot be completed in a week while there is an iron banner.

To find out more about Destiny 2, read the passage of Destiny 2 Duality Dungeon-how to go through every clash in the game manuals for professionals.


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