Supercat 'The Mansion of Grani', add hide and seek mode

Supercat (CEO Kim Young-eul) announced on the 25th that it has updated the hide and seek mode in the escape game 'Grani's mansion'.

GHO new HIDE and SEEK mode! | By Supercat global | Olive~GHO Hide and seek mode is a new game mode that gives a new fun to be chased and chased by the role of one of the hidden survivors and the tricks.

The survivor is transformed into one of the in-game objects and is given a mission to hide using the surrounding environment for a given time to beat the tracer for a certain time.

The tracker should wait in a certain place while the survivor is hiding, and after the end of the waiting time, the survivor must find, attack and drop out of the survivor. The number of times to attack survivors is limited, so carefully observations are needed.

If even one of the survivors survives for four minutes, the survivor wins, and on the contrary, if all the survivors are eliminated, the tracker wins.

Along with this, a list of survivors and challenges for trackers can be added, allowing more experience and gold to achieve them.

In addition, a transformation gate is provided in the in-game meta bus space 'Square', which users communicate, providing new fun. If you pass through the transformation gate, you can transform into one of 35 objects, allowing you to play a more pleasant game.

For more information about Grani's mansion, you can find it in the café and discode.


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