Where to find a tailor Beatrice in V Riding

If you want to find and defeat the tailor Beatrice in V Rising, you will first need to rise to about 40 levels of equipment and find it inside. Dawn village . The village of Dawn is a location at an average level of Dunley Farmlands, as shown in the image below.

In the village of Dawn, you can find Beatrice a tailor, and it will be 38th level. However, enemies inside the village will be from 36 to 40+. Because of this, we strongly recommend unlocking iron weapons and create several, such as an iron spear.

V Rising - Beatrice the Tailor Mechanics & Boss Location (for the loom)

How to defeat the tailor Beatrice in V Riding

It is not difficult to defeat the tailor Beatrice in V Rising. In fact, she will be simple run away from you and let all the enemies fight in the village. Nevertheless, other enemies and the fact that she will run away is all that you need to worry about in this battle with the boss. So, if you want to defeat Beatrice, first of all clean the village from all enemies so that you can focus on Beatrice. But before trying to kill Beatrice, you should get the following items:

  • Iron crossbow
  • Iron spear
  • Chaos of the waves
  • Aftershk

As soon as you get items higher, you can start cleaning the village. Use Iron crossbow and this rain of bolts and picture The ability to help cleanse the groups of enemies. Along with the crossbow, possessing powerful spells, such as chaos of the waves an g Afterhmk will help you clean the enemies in the village. As soon as the village is cleaned, find Beatrice and use Iron spear on it using the ability of a thousand copies to stop running.

You will also want to apply as much damage as possible than it. Teleport Return to the village if it goes too far. If it is teleported, her health is dropped, and you will have to start the whole process again. Because of this, you will want to do everything possible and use a spear to hold it in place. Continue to attack aggressively , and you will ultimately defeat Beatrice. The victory over Beatrice will open the following in V Riding:

  • Loom
  • Assortment of curtains
  • Hunter cloak
  • Textile
  • Cotton yarn

how to unlock iron in v rising

To unlock IRON in V RISING, you first need to kill QUENCY THE BANDIT KING. Having killed the King of the bandits, you can melt iron ore into iron ingots through the furnace. It will also require 20 units of iron ore to make one iron ingot. Because of this, you will want to engage in serious iron production, fortunately, you can find iron in Dunly Farmlands and in the location of Haunted Iron Mine.

How to make a forge in V Riding

The murder of the blacksmith Quenssey will open a forge, which is necessary for the manufacture of iron weapons, such as an iron spear in V Rising. To create a forge, you will need the following resources:

  • 200 blood essence
  • 32 iron ingot
  • 16 sulfur

How to make an iron weapon in V Riding

To make iron weapons in V Rising, you first need to create a forge. After the forge is built, you can make iron weapons inside it, using 20 iron ingots and 16 plants.

To obtain more interesting V RISing content, we at the Pro Game Guides have provided you with such guidelines as “Best Blood Groups in V Riding” and “Where to Find Nicholas Fallen in V Riding.”


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