How to get to the island of shipwreck on the raft

The island of shipwrecking is another environmental place in Raft, which needs to be found and explored. The island is rich in many resources, such as metal ore, copper, cave mushrooms, giant mollusks, algae and the like.

More importantly, on the island of shipwrecks there is an abandoned ship that contains a drawer with prey, which is very rare and, therefore, gives you the opportunity to get some additional rare and important resources. You can also get a captain’s hat and radio from the island.

The next guide will help you get to the island of shipwrecks on the raft.

How to find a shipwreck island in RAFT

The island of shipwrecks randomly appears on the horizon. Therefore, there is no exact location or coordinates that you could pursue. However, there are some tips that you can pay attention to to increase your chances of finding a shipwreck island.

THE Firstly, the island of shipwrecking appears only next to the small island, and this is only 2% of the probability of appearance. When you see that a small island appears on the horizon, be sure to come closer, because the island of shipwrecking may appear nearby.

Fortunately, you do not need to sail throughout the sea to determine whether the land is a land of shipwreck island on the horizon or not. You only need to come close enough to see the flag that flutters over the highest point of the island with the letter Help in the entire capital, which was probably raised by a sailor thrown on the island and wanted to be saved.

Unfortunately, the specific time of the appearance of the island is not indicated. Many RAFT players shared their fears about the emergence of a shipwreck island. Someone was already faced with this, and someone even after the completion of the main story.


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