Wonder People released 'Super People' Final Beta Test Contents

[Super People Moon Young-soo] Wonder People (CEO Ryu Cheil) unveiled the main contents that can be found in the shooting game 'Super People' final beta test on the 21st through developer live streams.

СЛИВ The company announced that it will test the final beta test of Super People on August 17 through the 'Summer Game Fest 2022' held on the 10th.

Super People Final Beta will add a lot of new contents to improve the system by converging the opinions of users from the alpha and close beta tests, and to provide a new game experience.

First, the production system is improved. Low-class materials used for weapons make it easier to find, allowing early weapons growth. Through this, the company plans to maintain the unique fun of the weapon production system, while also lowering the early games and the fatigue of users to help the game quickly.

In addition, the farming system of the manufacturing materials is also improved. While the materials were distributed only in the landmark center, they add a large number of small villages that can expand the options of users. As a result, it is possible to remove the situation where users are gathered in certain landmarks and to farm the ingredients evenly from a wide range of terrain.

Intuitive play is possible by improving first-person play by interfering with character movement or covering vision and fertilizing parkour motion speed, and more clearly checking combat information with UI and UX updates. In addition, the company plans to focus on optimizing performance and reducing crash so that there is no problem in enjoying super people.

Security measures are also prepared. In addition to introducing a stronger security system, it aims to block the use of cheat programs in advance, and if the system is exploited by exploiting the system, it will quickly detect and permanently sanction.

An assistant system will also be added to help new users adapt. You can learn the basic gameplay and game elements of the super-People by steadily adapting to the weapon and armor installation, the method of obtaining materials and manufacturing, and how to use the super capsule and personal distribution. A training center will also be added to improve the understanding of super people combat.

New classes include Titan, which uses powerful and huge shields. Titan is a character that has a variety of combat skills that can break down the hidden enemies or reverse disadvantaged situations, and will provide variables of various combat and strategies that were not seen in the previous test. A character customization system is also added to enable users' personality.

Park Sung-gon, director of Wonder People, said, I read all the articles that users send, and I feel a great responsibility to show a really fun game. We are doing our best to provide the best game experience to guarantee 'stability', so we ask for your expectations and interest in the final beta in August.


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