Creative talent support… 'Com2us Global Content Literature Award 2022'

[Play Moon Young-soo] Com2uS (CEO Jae-jun Song, Lee Joo-hwan) announced on the 21st that it will hold 'Com2us Global Content Literature 2022'.


Com2us Global Content Literature Award celebrated its 5th anniversary this year as a literary contest to support creative talent and support pure arts.

Com2us recently decided to meet the new world, reflecting the changes in the future digital paradigm. In addition, in order to encourage the participation of the general public, including the artist's preparatory students, the company has established a special 'Word Play', which can participate with simple copylight phrases along with the existing 'original story'.

In the Word Play Division, you will receive a witty copy text of less than 30 characters according to the theme and keywords. Participants can submit various forms of works such as language play, parody, and N by using the keywords of 'Meta Bus', 'Universe' and '2032' (10 years later).

In the source story category, all creative stories will be accepted without restrictions on genres and materials according to the given topics, and works that can be expanded to various contents such as games, webtoons, and web novels. The full-fledged work will be held from August 2 to September 14.

Meanwhile, Com2us will expand the winners of the competition from 7 to 10 in accordance with the addition of the Word Play Division and award a total of 40 million won. One person award is selected for the original story, and 20 million won is awarded, and the best prize is 1 person and four excellent prizes will be paid 5 million won and 2.5 million won, respectively. The Word Play Division plans to select one of the best awards, excellence and encouragement awards, and award 2 million won, 1 million won, and 500,000 won, respectively.

In addition, we will actively review the second creation of the winners for the winners of the original story, and provide growth opportunities to grow as an excellent IP.


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