Prime Minister Han confirmed 200,000 confirmed cases at the end of September… 4th vaccination expanded to 50s, homeless facilities

The government predicts that the number of new daily COVID-19 cases will reach 200,000 by the end of September. It also announced plans to expand the target of the fourth vaccination to those in their 50s.

On the 13th, Prime Minister Han Deok-soo said, According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and experts, it is predicted that up to 200,000 confirmed cases a day can occur a day from mid-August to the end of September, said Prime Minister Han Deok-soo. Currently, the 4th vaccination, which is given to those over 60 and those with weakened immunity, will be expanded to those in their 50s and those over 18 with underlying diseases. We will expand vaccination to vulnerable facilities, not only to nursing hospitals and facilities, but also to facilities for the disabled and homeless people.

Prime Minister Han said, As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 increases again around the world, and the BA. According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) and experts, it is predicted that up to 200,000 confirmed cases per day can occur from mid-August to the end of September. The government strongly recommends that the target population be vaccinated.


He also said, There is ample room for intensive care bed utilization at 10%, but we will prepare so that there will be no problems with inpatient treatment even if there are up to 200,000 people, he said. We will secure 10,000 'one-stop medical institutions' by the end of July so that patients can receive tests, treatments, and prescriptions at once, he added.

Regarding the introduction of social distancing, it was decided not to implement mandatory measures at this stage, but said that it would consider introducing selective and gradual distancing if there is a significant change in the epidemic situation. In addition, he added that the mandatory quarantine of confirmed patients will be maintained at the current 7 days.

Meanwhile, the number of new confirmed cases today is expected to record 40,000 for the first time in two months.


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