Summer events in MMORPG Allods online

MMORPG Allods Online from received update 13.01.21, which brought with it two and various edits.


In the vastness of Sartanut, the event Battle campaign began. Everyone can take part in it. Performing tasks, the heroes will receive special glasses that can be used to increase the level of combat campaign and open access to various prizes.

The owners of the combat campaign ticket will earn 20% more points, and also receive special awards and costumes. Also, for achieving the 100th level of a combat campaign, they will get 600 crystals or signs of special merits (depending on the server. Everyone who purchases a campaign ticket until July 28 will be given a costume costume.

Until August 14, a holiday takes place on the servers of the game in honor of the patron saint of Arga. Arga time is mid-summer, when salvation from unbearable heat can be found in cool reservoirs. And a bright silver moon, like a coin, hangs in the summer night sky.

The characters who have received the patronage of Arga will receive his favor for 20 days and luck will accompany them in any good undertakings.


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