How to go through a secret ritual in return to the island of monkeys - casual and complex modes

As fans hoped, return to the island of monkeys. **** Filled with humor and puzzles such as Indicate and click. Playing our hero Gay brash Trip wood, you will soon find yourself on the island of the monkeys, where you have to unite with the seemingly insidious captain Maddison. Returning to the ship of Leak and finding all the necessary information, the time has come to conduct a ritual. So, how to complete the ritual in returning to the island of monkeys?

How to use skulls in Return to Monkey Island-a common and complex mode

To play the header song of the Leak, you first need to collect six skulls from all over the island. Go to the right from the place where Captain Maddison stands, and put the skulls on the stake on both sides of Murray (the order does not matter). Then raise the bone from the floor. Use the bone to knock on each skull, including Murray to see what kind of musical sound he makes. Now open the musical theme in your inventory and write down the melody. Make me salt t TU re .


How to go through a secret ritual in Return to Monkey Island-casual and complex modes

You are ready to fulfill this part of the quest, so talk with Captain Maddison and tell her that you are ready. Before you do this, do not forget to write down the correct winged phrase from the diary ( plunder seven holds ) and make sure that you have collected tentacles with chamomile sauce from the lethal ship. If so, then you are ready to complete the ritual.

We have everything you need from Monkey Island, in Pro Game Guides! Find out how to get a unanimous vote for the ship’s ship in Return to the island of monkeys-a simple and complex regime or How the book of hints works in Return to the Island of Monkeys.


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