How to solve the research point on the artificial island in Tower of Fantasy

In the update 1.5, many new things have appeared on the artificial island of Tower of Fantasy. You can explore the new area, build various buildings, fight monsters and complete the new point of research. It may be difficult, because it is unclear how to solve it. This can make you ask how to complete the study point on the artificial island of Tower of Fantasy.

How to go through a study point at Tower of Fantasy Artificial Island

Exploring the artificial island in Tower of Fantasy, you may encounter a round brown ground pod with a symbol of a rapid attack. This is a new point of research, but it cannot be solved just using a diving attack. Instead, you must bait an enemy nearby and there is fall into in pit . This will complete the study point and give you a black core.

Some players report that clone relic will also activate and complete this study point, but we do not have to test and confirm this. If this works, then using this relic is much easier than luring the enemy already to the intelligence point.

All There are many other awards that you will find on the artificial island, including materials, red nuclei and much more. Continue to explore this area, and you will find many objects and resources for collecting.

To obtain additional information about the fantasy tower, read all the materials on the artificial island in the fantasy tower and all the picturesque viewing points on the artificial island in the fantasy tower in the Pro game guides.


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