Where to find Alteisen in Lost Ark

ACNielsen Island This is one of the islands of adventure that you can find in Lost Ark. It is located directly south of artistic and is available only in accordance with the schedule of the field boss Portion compass . More precisely, the world boss Sol Grande.

To find out when the island is available, you need to choose a compass icon in the upper left corner of the main screen of the game. A window opens, which is shown when various events take place. If you choose a gear in the upper right corner of this window, you will open all the settings of the alarm clock .


Here you can filter various alarms, including the Sol Grande world boss.

Aliases breakdown

Once on the island, you can leave with several things. We listed them below:

Seeds Kokomo * * Here you can find four Kokomo seeds. The island of Altai sen island * This can be found as a random fall of the RNG after the destruction of SOL Grande. Island quests * ACNielsen * Given D-01 * Awards: seven unusual bags for choosing recipes of combat engraving, 5000 silver and two points of kindness. * The language barrier * Given D-01

 * Awards: a potion of increasing characteristics, three chests with open sea coins and 7000 silver.

To find out more about Lost ARK, read the section How to get the Soul of the Cradle Island in Lost ARK only in the game guides for professionals.


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