Perfect Nidavellir God of War Ragnarok Armor: How to get the full set of Svalfheim

God of War Ragnarök allows you to customize the combat approach thanks to a complete range of equipment, including special armor linked to each of the 9 kingdoms. In this step by step, we will see where you can get the perfect set of nidavellir in Waldheim.

Nivadellir Armor: How to Unlock and Create?

It is very simple to unlock Waldheim's perfect armor. To do this, just do the secondary mission in Asgard's service. Upon arriving in Nidavevellir, go to the tavern to find an NPC. After he gives information from the main plot, talk to him again to release the first favor of the game.

Arriving at Fortune Bay, Atreus will comment that Rates can go left (main quest) or right (secondary quest). Go to the right and the map will be marked with three blue points. Just disable the three extractors to complete the favor. You can check out the Asgard mission guide to the link below.

Effects of Nidavevellir armor

As Rates disables extractors, Mimic suggests inging the items received to the Book and Sindhi dwarfs. In doing so, it will be possible to create the Nidaveldir armor set. The three pieces are as follows:

  • Better protection of nidavellir (pectoral)
  • Best nidavellir belt (waist)

Nidavevellir armor set has the effects. The first is to reduce the time when the enemy's stunning bar falls. Thus, you will have more time to get close and run the scam with the R3 button.


The other interesting effect of Waldheim's kingdom armor is to recover life by using R3 attack in stunned enemies. Thus, a great alternative regarding the healing effects of Spartan fury.


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