Square Enix is being carried by this Final Fantasy

Square Enix recently announced its financial results for the first half of the fiscal year, a period that extends from April to September 2022, and certainly was not the taste of all investors. The fall in many areas, while one of them nothing against the current and is on the rise.

free fall results for Square Enix?

Net sales of the group fell 3.3% and the result clearly fell 10.6%. The particular entertainment area suffered a 9.5%drop this year.

As for mobile games, although the release of Full Metal Alchemist Mobile has been doing very well and the game attracted many players, In addition to many payers, the field in general also suffers a significant decline, this game by Si alone.


This report also tells us that almost 90% of game sales to Square Enix are dematerialized against 10% in cash , which represents in most console or collector editions.

Final Fantasy 14 The Savior of Square Enix?

Square Enix is not on the verge of the cliff, however, some strong franchises continue to sell well and promise the company good profits in the future. Of course FF16 is coming soon, the sequence of the remakes of ff7 , as well as the parallel works, and this should help Square Enix.

With a growth in the number of paid signatures and increasing sales, it is Final Fantasy 16 that carries Square Enix in this financial report. With almost 28 million players registered and updates that always attract new faces, it seems that the Japanese company MMO continues to shine.

Among the increase in the size of infrastructures and servers, game-related costs are high and 14 cannot do everything on my own. Therefore, we look forward to Final Fantasy's upcoming works to appease Square's banker and shareholders.


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